Tuesday, December 1, 2015

What Are The 10 Worst College Degrees in 2015?

Top 10 Worst College Degrees to Get a Job with in 2015?

In 2015 this is becoming a important factor when students are attending college. One of the most important things to think about when you decide your major is to figure out whether or not there is a good amount of jobs for this career and whether not there will be new jobs in the future. We have made a list of the Top 10 Worst College Degrees that you could major in, in 2015. We're not saying that these degrees are such horrible degrees and that you shouldn't major in them, we are just trying to inform you that if you do major in one of these degrees, you may find yourself unemployed one day and not able to find a job related to your college degree that you have spent the last 4 years of your life achieving and thousands of dollars for the education itself.

10. Art

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Jobs In The U.S.: 15,918

10 Year Projected Growth: 3.3%

Median Income: Less Than $29,000/Year

9. Culinary Arts

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Jobs In The U.S.: 15,918

10 Year Projected Growth: 8.6%

Median Income: $40,000/Year

8. Radio and Television

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Jobs In The U.S.: 1,651

10 Year Projected Growth: -0.2%

Median Income: Less Than $29,000/Year

7. Education

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Jobs In The U.S.: 19,467

10 Year Projected Growth: 8.9%

Median Income: $34,000/Year

6. Drama

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Jobs In The U.S.: 21,296

10 Year Projected Growth: 10.6%

Median Income: Less Than $42,000/Year

5. Music

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Jobs In The U.S.: 5,436

10 Year Projected Growth: 8.8%

Median Income: $41,600/Year

4. Interior Design

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Jobs In The U.S.: 6,292

10 Year Projected Growth: 3.3%

Median Income: $42,600/Year

3. Commercial Art and Graphic Design

Jobs In The U.S.: 12,800

10 Year Projected Growth: 7.6%

Median Income: $35,000/Year

2. Fine Arts

No. 3: Fine Arts

Jobs In The U.S.: 46,467

10 Year Projected Growth: 1.3%

Median Income:$42,000/Year

1. Anthropology and Archeology

No. 1: Anthropology And Archeology

Jobs In The U.S.: 6,878

10 Year Projected Growth: 4.7%

Median Income: $28,000/Year

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